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Announcements and Circulars
Golik Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is committed to maintain a good standard of corporate governance practices within the Group as set out in the Corporate Governance Code as contained in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
List of Directors and their Role and Function
The Company established its Audit Committee on 5th January, 1999. The Audit Committee comprises three Independent Non-executive Directors namely Mr. Hai Tuen Tai, Freddie, Mr. Luk Kam Fan, Jimmy and Mr. Linn Hon Chung, Ambrose.
Terms of Reference for the Audit Committee
The Company established its Remuneration Committee on 21st April, 2005. The Remuneration Committee comprises one Executive Director namely Mr. Pang Tak Chung MH and three Independent Non-executive Directors namely Mr. Hai Tuen Tai, Freddie, Mr. Luk Kam Fan, Jimmy and Mr. Linn Hon Chung, Ambrose.
Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee
The Company established its Nomination Committee on 30th December, 2021. The Nomination Committee comprises one Executive Director namely Mr. Pang Tak Chung MH and three Independent Non-executive Directors namely Mr. Hai Tuen Tai, Freddie, Mr. Luk Kam Fan, Jimmy and Mr. Linn Hon Chung, Ambrose. Mr. Pang Tak Chung MH is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Terms of Reference for the Nomination Committee
The total number of Directors elected shall not exceed the number determined from time to time by Shareholders in general meeting. Shareholders may propose an appropriate person to stand for election as a Director.
Procedures for Shareholders to propose a Person for election as a Director
The Board adopted the Nomination Policy which has sets out the selection criteria and procedure of appointing and re-appointing a Director.
The Board adopted the Board Diversity Policy which has set out the approach to achieve diversity for the Board.